Madfal Studio

Creative is not enough


Welcome to MADFAL Studio

Madfal Studio is an indie studio engaged in the field of multimedia communication. With the word “MAD” which means crazy, making Madfal Studio will provide crazy ideas in facilitating the delivery of information. Madfal Studio is present in creative industry competitions with unique and fresh concepts.
“Creative” is a word that is familiar to us today. Human beings who get bored quickly, then with creativity we can create pleasure always. However, creative only supports enough, it needs to be supported by smart and hard work, so that creativity does not deviate.
Madfal Studio was founded by Muhammad Adam Fadhilah who was approved in 2010 during semester V at UIN Jakarta.
Madfal Studio has a vision and mission to assist clients in delivering information to be more interesting and easily accepted in a fun way without reducing the essence of the material to be conveyed.
Starting in 2013, Madfal Studio focused on Multimedia Applications / game development for mobile. Madfal Studio has won several times in various competitions, which in 2015, we won the Ministry of Religion with the theme of the Mobile Game for Religious Harmony.

want to create game with madfal studio

© 2024 Madfal Studio

Theme by Anders Norén